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01884 259856 8:30-4:00pm Mon to Fri

ZEBRA Mildliner

9 Results

Before the Mildliner came along, highlighters were bright. Vivid and neon. Colours you couldn't ignore. They were made to grab your attention and make you look at what they highlighted.

That's what highlighters were for, so nobody questioned it. Until ZEBRA did. They thought perhaps sometimes people would want to highlight things a bit more gently. Point something out, but not in such an overt way. Or maybe classify the items in a list by colour without making you feel like the list was being yelled at you.

So they created the Mildliner. It's a highlighter. It still highlights things. But not so aggressively. It's the Tai Chi to the traditional highligher's Krav Maga. The cup of green tea to the traditional highlighter's espresso. The Quavers to the traditonal highlighter's Scampi 'n' Lemon Nik Naks...

What? Oh, sorry, I got a bit carried away. They're pastel highlighters.

Zebra Mildliner Twin Tip Pastel Highlighter by Zebra at Cult Pens
Dual tipped pastel highlighter
Zebra Mildliner Twin Tip Brush Pen by Zebra at Cult Pens
Double-ended pen with a brush and fineliner
Zebra Mildliner Twin Tip Pastel Highlighter Set of 5 by Zebra at Cult Pens
Zebra Mildliner Brush Pen 0.5-0.7mm Set of 5 by Zebra at Cult Pens
Zebra Mildliner Pen Set Natural by Zebra at Cult Pens
Zebra Mildliner Pen Set Gentle by Zebra at Cult Pens

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